Tuesday 2 August 2016



Welcome to 'Revisingandadvising!' , my brand new blog going into year 13, ultimately preparing myself and anyone out there for those A-Levels, IB exams or any other secondary school 'finals' we all unfortunately have to endure.

I'm going to try my absolute best to write my heart away on a weekly basis (maybe bi weekly if I have extra time), rewriting notes in a concise manner for me to look back on, as an extra revision source if possible. I'm going to put up my past essays as well as references for anyone to look at.

I have a real passion for writing anonymously, yes my name is Naomi, but the likelihood of anyone seeing my face on this blog is extremely slim, as I just have a preference for staying behind the keyboard/computer screen to be honest!!!!

Now I can't promise that I will post every week, 52 weeks of the year because with my schedule of 6 blooming subjects and a 4000 word essay and my outright mental health, sometimes I might take a week (or multiple) off.

Lastly, as you will later read from my posts, I do take IB, not A levels, but there is clearly a lot of overlap between some of the courses - particularly History and Physics. But my advice will hopefully apply to as many sixthformers/high schoolers as possible.

I'll be here on Mondays at 6:00pm! Maybe some Fridays too!

N x

(PS: The Subjects I take @ Higher Level are History, English and Art and at Standard Level are Spanish, Maths and Physics so expect to see lots of photos)

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